HomeLearn HypnosisGood Vibes Hypnosis Training Chicago

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Chicago presents an informative Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training program that prepares you to become a Certified Hypnotherapist so that you can begin using hypnosis to assist friends, family and clients. When you complete this training, you will be qualified to become a Certified Hypnotherapist with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).

This Hypnotherapy Training Program has been presented in Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, New Orleans, Atlanta and Nashville and is now available in Chicago. Your instructor is Certified Master Trainer Mark V Johnson who is a Second Generation Hypnotherapist. Along with his wife Lana, Mark is presenting this training to share what he has learned working with hypnosis since 2003. This means you will have the opportunity to learn proven skills in this exciting Hypnosis Training Chicago course.

This 220 hour Chicago Hypnotherapy Certification Training course is presented in two 6 day Levels. Each Level is approximately one month part, and that means the students have time to practice using what they learn in level 1 before they return for level 2 of live classroom training. Additional self directed study and case work submissions are required to qualify for certification. Your tuition includes the live training, your student Hypnotherapy Training Manual and the first year of your International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) Certification as a Certified Hypnotherapist is included as well.

Mark and Lana each have 15 years of experience working with hypnosis and they both bring their knowledge and understanding from their extensive experience from working in real life situations to share with the students. They will both tell you that it is important to begin working with people right away, as you never stop learning. The Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Chicago students are encouraged to begin working with family, friends and clients as soon as possible, and that includes after Level 1. Experience is the best way to continue learning and it also provides the new hypnotherapist with the confidence in their ability to use what they have learned in their Hypnosis Training Chicago class to help others.

The class format includes discussion of important hypnosis concepts as well as live demonstrations with volunteers from the class. Often real world clients are invited into the class so that the students have the opportunity to watch Mark and Lana work in real time. After the discussion and demonstrations, the students have the opportunity for hands on practice sessions with your fellow students. These hands on practice sessions are supervised by the instructors and teaching assistants to provide the students with feedback on their progress. This way of learning provides a powerful learning experience for the student during the Hypnosis Training Chicago program.

Hypnosis Training Chicago

  • Professional Hypnotherapy Instruction
  • Overview of History of Hypnosis
  • Hypnosis Demonstrations with Students
  • Case History Videos
  • Supervised Student Practice Sessions
  • Hypnosis Training Manual Included
  • Learn To Write Effective Hypnosis Scripts
  • Intake, Release and Progress Forms
  • Instruction on Building Your Practice
  • Hypnotherapist Certification with Completion of Home Study Assignment
  • One Year Membership in IACT

Would you like to become a Certified Hypnotherapist?

Are you ready to learn hypnosis and help others make positive changes in their lives?

We ask that you have a desire to help others in order to enroll in this training, but no prior experience with hypnosis or any sort of counseling is required. People from many walks of life have enrolled in our training from nurses to police officers. In addition those working in a variety of healing modalities such as massage, body work, doctors, counselors and therapists will be able to take what they learn and add what they learn in this Chicago Hypnosis Training and include it in their existing practice. There are even those who decide to take the training exclusively for their own personal development.

The Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Chicago classes are presented in two 6 day level, for a total of 12 days of instruction. The sessions are held on Tuesday through Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm. The Tuesday classes are partial days from 4 pm to 7 pm.

For additional information and details about the training, please visit our main website
Good Vibes Hypnosis Training or if you are ready to go ahead and register for the next class you can Register Now

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